Holy cow! this thing's about 10 years old. Consider it a placeholder
while I work on updating it.
Marilyn Wulfekuhler
Academic Specialist
Computer Science and Engineering
Michigan State University
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to this page. Congratulations!
Current Classes (Spring 2003):
- CSE 232
Introduction to Programming II
Office Hours
Previous Classes (Fall 2002):
- CSE 260 Discrete
Structures in Computer Science
- CSE 422 Computer Networks
- CSE 440 Artificial
Intelligence and Symbolic Programming
The usual stuff...
- Background and resume.
- My professional life up till now
- Research Interests
- Intelligent Agents, Pattern Recognition, Genetic Algorithms, ...
- E-Mail Address:
- wulfekuh@cse.msu.edu
- Address:
- Michigan State University
- Computer Science and Engineering Department
- 3115 Engineering Bldg
- East Lansing, MI 48824
- Office: 2129 Engineering Building
- Phone: (517) 432-9240
Marilyn Wulfekuhler /